How Successful Creative Digital Entrepreneurs Gain Positivity And Hope

4 min readOct 6, 2020

Did you know that…

Mindset is the foundation to long-term success?

I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing about success in terms of clients or money or material belongings, and while that’s all important, I’m going to share three secrets with you today that are going to revolutionize the way you think about yourself and your business.

Hi, we’re Olivia and Kaid of @okworldtravel and Synergy Collaborations who have experienced exactly what you all are going through right now, struggling to make the leap from corporate life to entrepreneurship, working day in and day out to set yourself up financially to start your own company, and struggling to find fulfillment and hope through your actions and thoughts.

So what is the cheat code to life??

It’s finding H0P3.

It’s the foundation to how you look at yourself and your business, but also how others look at you and your business. Your mindset and internal dialogue say a lot about how you operate as an individual and an entrepreneur. Which is why we want to show you how to hack your life and find hope in your daily self-talk..

So, we’re going to share with you 3 secrets about finding H0P3 and how you can use H0P3 to grow more than you ever thought possible as a person AND as a business owner.

And we know what you’re probably thinking: H0P3 can’t possibly make that big of a difference..

But again, we’re going to show you a great way you can find hope in just 33 seconds and get amazing results.

The first secret is self-talk.

The big idea here is that your brain is like a computer program; whatever you say to it, it will remember and operate accordingly.

This is important to know, because if you have a bug in your computer program, it doesn’t matter how fast and powerful the software is, it won’t work properly!

The second secret is documenting.

The main thing to understand here is that making sure to remember where you are today, where you want to be, and what you need to do to make it that way..

This means being able to reference where you started and see how far you’ve come will help you maintain gratitude for the process, hope for the success you’re seeing, and clarity on what you need to continue to work on..

This also includes literally documenting day-to-day. The tiny, insignificant details to the major life events. All of it.

The third secret is forming daily habits.

Making the most of each and every day is critical.

It’s easy to lose days to laziness, forgetfulness, or procrastination. But with simple, small habit changes, you can start moving the needle in your favor, finally seeing the results you want to see.

Finding H0P3

Now, again, I know what you’re thinking..

That’s way too simple to work! Three secrets? That’s it??

Well here’s the tricky part…it’s simple, but it’s not easy.

The system is not complex, but the personal discipline required is deep!

That’s why we are here to help guide you in mindset, self-talk, documentation, and daily habits. Guide you in each area that together can radically change your life trajectory.

Together, we will live each day with intention, determination, and hope..

And don’t worry, you’re not just getting us, you’re gaining a community!

People who are in the trenches with you, who know exactly what it feels like to be your shoes. On the journey together..

So many of us have gone from sick and tired of being sick and tired to living out our dream as positive and hopeful entrepreneurs. Now it’s time to do so as a group.

As a community, we will transform our thoughts, our beliefs, and our motivation. Together, we will find HOP3!

Thank you for your time and attention and remember, everything is OK!

Bye for now,

Olivia + Kaid, the OK in @okworldtravel




We are Olivia + Kaid, the OK in @okworldtravel. We are on a mission to bring hope to light to our community members as both entrepreneurs and hope masters!