Ways to Stay Healthy This Winter

Easy options for mental and physical health.

3 min readDec 16, 2020

Winter is a difficult time, both mentally and physically. Some people struggle with the colder, darker days by feeling depressed and lonely. Others will suffer from pesky allergies or the dreaded flu. This year, winter is going to be incredibly challenging due to Covid-19. But don’t worry — there are some easy ways to stay healthy this winter, both mentally and physically.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

If there is one major tip that never fails, it’s to consume more fluids. And although most people opted for their favorite beer or mixed drink to handle the seemingly endless quarantine, that’s not exactly what we mean. We’re talking about drinking healthy fluids, mostly water. If you’re going to opt for a sports drink, find one that is sugar-free, or try making your own electrolyte drink from home.

Eat Fruits and Veggies

You’ve heard it a million times — a healthy diet is a key to feeling good mentally and physically. Well, that wasn’t just a lie your mother told you to get you to eat your broccoli. Healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, have a direct impact on your health. This is especially true for fruits and veggies high in vitamin C, including citrus fruit, peppers, strawberries, broccoli, and potatoes.

While you’re at it, try not to overdo iron the holiday treats, either. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in a few of your favorites, but overdoing it will only make you feel bad. Keep the holiday treats in moderation, and your body and mind will thank you.

Sleep (At Least 7 Hours)

Don’t forget the importance of sleep! While you don’t need to hibernate like a bear necessarily, you should at least end your night with 7 hours of sleep. A well-rested body can take on the challenges the winter months bring, from a runny nose to a foggy brain.

Get Moving

I know what you’re thinking — “Get moving during the pandemic? Good one!” With so many people stuck quarantining or following a stay at home order, it might seem impossible to get a good workout in. But it’s not impossible. Even cleaning the house is a great way to get moving. You can also opt for doing yoga or following exercise videos in your living room. Stay active, stay healthy.

Don’t Forget the Importance of Mental Health

While a good diet, adequate sleep, and ample movement are all necessary for mental health, there is nothing quite like the help of your loved ones. Just because you might not see them in person doesn’t mean you can’t connect. Give them a call. Set up a Zoom meeting. Do watch parties with friends. Do whatever you can to stay happy and connected.

Journal Your Thoughts

There is nothing quite like a good journal entry. Here, you can release all of your pent up emotions and thoughts. Most people will feel much better after releasing stress and strain through a creative outlet such as journaling. Give it a try!

Staying healthy might be challenging during the winter, but you’re equipped to handle it all. Add more healthy fruits and veggies to your diet, and don’t skimp on the water. Rest well, and keep moving. Keep your mental health in order by chatting with loved ones and journaling if you need to. We can do this — together.

We hope this brought peace and tranquility to your holiday season!

All the best,

Olivia & Kaid, the OK in OKWorldTravel




We are Olivia + Kaid, the OK in @okworldtravel. We are on a mission to bring hope to light to our community members as both entrepreneurs and hope masters!