What Your Friends and Family Might Not Understand About Your Entrepreneurial Journey, Part 1

Even if they support you wholeheartedly...

2 min readDec 8, 2020

You’re Going on an Epic Adventure

Congratulations on taking what may be the biggest leap YET of your life or possibly the biggest leap you will EVER take! Becoming an entrepreneur is like blasting off to a whole new world. And just like why some people question why astronauts would strap themselves to a rocket, friends and family might question why you took off on this epic adventure.

It Might be a Little Lonely

With that, it might get a bit lonely up there on Entrepreneurial Mountain. That’s part of the process. But, what’s exciting is that you’ve now opened up a whole new community that you get to find new friends, colleagues, partners, and mentors in .

It’s been incredibly helpful for Kaid and myself to find other entrepreneurial friends. Join Facebook groups, follow inspirational people on Instagram, sign up for coaching programs…There’s a million ways to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs. Once you start getting comfortable with your new ecosystem, you’ll realize you’re not actually alone on your moutain top at all. In fact, there’s actually a pretty dope ski resort at the top of Entrepreneurial Mountain ;)

They Won’t Get the Weird Non 9–5 Hours

While everyone else is pretty much rooted in their 9–5 schedule, we’ve learned the entrepreneurial schedule is very different. It’s not that it’s the opposite per say. Don’t think every day an entrepreneur is working until 3am and then getting up at 10 or 11. But it does happen.

What does tend to happen often, is working on the weekends, at least when you’re just starting out. Not because you have to, although this can be the reason, but often because you want to! What used to be a “Living for the weekends mentality will now morph into a “Great! I have two full days to work uninterrupted!”. Many won’t understand this and that’s okay..

They Might Not See the Full Vision

Another situation we’ve experienced personally is people not understanding the full vision. And that mainly comes down on your decision to share it and explain it properly. This is entirely up to you.

Sometimes it’s a lot to share about what you’re living through right now, but it can also help to bring people along on the journey. Do what feels right for you you!

We’ll be sharing a part 2 to this tomorrow, stay tuned!

All the best,

Olivia & Kaid, the OK in @okworldtravel




We are Olivia + Kaid, the OK in @okworldtravel. We are on a mission to bring hope to light to our community members as both entrepreneurs and hope masters!